Comment on Testing Opera 12 Final by hotteamix
Did that more than few times. Closes fine each time.
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by hotteamix
Yes it does, no matter if your CPU the latest and greatest SB-E or IB clocked to 5GHz, HWA will always be smoother.
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by Yewen Tan
Good to you. Every time I try to shutdown opera in that sequence, it complains that there’s no disc in D: and refuses to quit. Can’t even kill it with Windows task manager. I searched for it online and...
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by Hector Macias Ayala
Your comment doesnt make any sense, if its smoother, thats precisely because you got a powerful CPU.
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by Hector Macias Ayala
I think your screenshot if fake, been using Opera for a very long time, in both Windows and Linux, in both 32 and 64, no such problem. Besides youre developing an problem to even post a minimal...
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by hotteamix
I have this problem on a particular music player and the solution was to use “remove missing file” option which imply corrupted playlist. Of course this can’t be applied to Opera, but try to use clean...
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by hotteamix
Believe it or not, coded right, GPU accelerated rendering will always feels smoother.
View ArticleComment on Windows Phone 8: Internet Explorer 10 Detailed by Trevonn
Funny how they didn’t test the HTC One X Sneeeky buggers
View ArticleComment on Windows Phone 8: Internet Explorer 10 Detailed by Mutumba_sowed
The GS3 is better than the one X in like 99.9 % of all things… and after software updates this will change to 100%. The duo core krait s4 which wp8 shd be using (or even better) is faster than xynos...
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by mkorsakov
With OS X 10.6.8 the old »slow keyboard input« (from version 10.61) has returned and was confirmed in the Opera forum:
View ArticleComment on Windows Phone 8: Internet Explorer 10 Detailed by
Yep, all WP8 devices will use the Snapdragon S4 Pro, which as upgraded gpu
View ArticleComment on Windows Phone 8: Internet Explorer 10 Detailed by Ichann
Aside from the ms mythness; IE is actually a browser where the browsing speed is great.
View ArticleComment on Windows Phone 8: Internet Explorer 10 Detailed by Trevonn
But if your going to test a HTC Phone you test the One X not the One S.
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by Hector Macias Ayala
WebGL means 0.01% of my browsing experience. So this lacks any meaning at all for me.
View ArticleComment on Testing Opera 12 Final by Hector Macias Ayala
What do you mean new browser, Opera is 18 years old, everything else is newer, except IE… and feature-poorer.
View ArticleComment on Internet Explorer 10: Anti “Do Not Track” Video Is Here by Anonymous
An investment bank makes a video and uses the word “effect” instead of “affect”? Seriously?
View ArticleComment on Opera’s Chief Standards Officer Leaves The Company by jayjam
Somehow I think he is involved in far more far-reaching things than simply releasing a new version of the PC browser. You seem to ignore the fact that most of Opera isn’t even doing PC stuff anymore....
View ArticleComment on Junior: The iPad Web Browser From Mozilla by Asknobody
FF got so much less features out of box and Opera’s size still much smaller. what’s the problem? Lazy FF dev?
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